Richmond Sports Council is the collective voice of the vibrant sports community in Richmond. We are made up of 50 sports groups which provide sports and recreation in Richmond for 18,000 men, women, girls and boys - on playing fields, in arenas, on the track, in gyms, in aquatic pools and the many other
places to play sports in Richmond.
Our web-site gives prospective sport participants contact information for our clubs.
Mission Statement
The Richmond Sports Council (RSC) is a community based organization of sports groups which facilitates effective communication and problem solving between and among the sports groups, other community user groups and City Council. Through advocacy, networking and sharing, the Richmond Sports Council assists member groups and the City of Richmond to achieve their organizational goals. The Richmond Sports Council is committed to the provision of quality sports services to all Richmond citizens.
Values and Commitments.
In support of the mission, member groups are committed to the following principles and values:
RSC values the opinions of all community sports groups and encourages their participation in planning for improved fitness and health facilities and opportunities for the citizens of Richmond.
RSC is committed to efficient and effective joint use of the services available. This is accomplished by trusting and supporting each other as necessary to ensure every group's needs are met.
Visibility and Awareness.
To ensure the involvement of all sports groups in carrying out the mandate of the RSC, the City Council, User Groups, Richmond School Board and MLAs must be aware of the Values, vision and mission of RSC.
Quality Service. Effective infrastructure + Effective Coaches + Sufficient Facilities + Sufficient Opportunities + Efficient and Effective Joint Use of Services
About Us
Richmond Sports Council is a registered non-profit society, founded in 1984. As a self-governing body, rather than an appointment of Council, our agenda, priorities and positions are determined by our members and the sports they represent. Our role is to advocate for sports, especially with City Council and Richmond's MLAs and MPs, and provide an opportunity for sports to meet, share experience and hence improve the programs we offer to our community.
We are active proponents of sports development, and took a leading role in developing Richmond's "Sport for Life" model and strategy in 2010. We are committed to affordable, accessible sport for all, and developing athletes to their maximum potential.
We worked with the City and Tourism Richmond to develop a "Sport Hosting Strategy" in 2007-2010.
Sports Council bid for, won and then managed the 2009 BC Seniors Games in Richmond. These are the largest BC Games ever held, bringing
3,800 athletes aged over 55 to Richmond in September 2009.
In concert with the City and the Richmond Review, we arrange the annual Richmond Sports Awards, held each May.
Current sub-committees are working on a "Hall of Fame" to showcase Richmond's rich history of athletes and their achievements, and developing a priority list of facility enhancements in Richmond, to help guide the City's capital spending.
We are strong proponents and supply many of the volunteers for the Richmond chapter of "Kidsport", which provides financial assistance for Richmond children whose families have economic difficulties covering the cost of playing sports. We administer the trust fund legacies of the 1979 BC Summer Games and the 2009 BC Seniors Games which help Richmond athletes travel to provincial or higher level championships.
Membership is open to any community non-profit sports group in Richmond. The annual membership fee is $10. The Annual General Meeting is held at the March meeting each year.
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